
Posted by LA_Rise89 | Uncategorized

Hey Everyone, I want to introduce something cool that has been introduced to me over the past few years and something I think many of you might find fascinating. It’s called Biochar and I believe it will be the next wave in the sustainability movement in the next few years. It’s nothing new but something that has been recently rediscovered and actually dates back to the Incas of Peru. It seems to be the current trend to rediscover ancient wisdom and technologies in order to get our current developmental trajectory back on track. But anyways, it’s totally awesome and could be a serious game changer for a few different reasons.

What is Biochar?

Better Future…

Posted by LA_Rise89 | Uncategorized

LA is a beautiful scene, with the people, art, music, and culture, but behind the scene lies an out of control environment. Levels of pollution and toxic dumping that are quickly diluting the beauty that once attracted everyone here. We see it as our obligation to the city that has served us, to serve it back. It’s not just L.A. that we aspire to change, but rather the whole world. By using the microcosm of LA we can discuss the macrocosm (the whole world), and develop a discussion and movement, that can make in #impact.

We hope that you believe in the cause as much as we do!